Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This is your life...

So I'm sitting up, it's 1:21AM and I've got lots of thoughts running thought my mind. I know, I'm already off to a bad start. haha... Thoughts seemed to get backed up in my mind, like there is a small passage for them to filter though and after so long everything comes to an abrupt stop when everything plugs the filter. Why am I telling you this? Because, I know I'm probably not the only person that has issues going in and around my life.
Bills, relationships, future, hopes, dreams, disappointments, the list is never-ending. There is one thing that in the midst of the world-wind around me though that I seem to always look to, almost to see if somehow it would have changed, is God. And once again, I'm overcome with the peace of knowing Him and the consistency that He has holds over my life and not only my life but my future and then entire world! I am reminded that once again, He is great and I am small. He is the potter and I am the clay. He is the Creator and I, the creation. He is the author and I am His story. Nothing that happens in my life surprises Him but He knew and knows everything will happen. He has searched me and He knows me. He knows when I lay down and when I rise. He knows when I am rejoice and when I mourn. If the Father knows me and every hair upon my head, and knows the plans of good things He has for me, then what do I have to fear?
I know there are many things in my life I can do nothing about but I know that God knows everyone of them and He has already answered them. So right now I want to believe God and thank Him in advance for helping me get out of debt. I want to thank God for the ministry He is going to place me in and for the ministry I am in right now everyday. I want to thank God for my family and friends. I want to thank God for the amazing man of God that He has for me and that he will find me in God's timing. I want to thank God for His unswerving devotion to me. And I want to thank God for helping me be as unyielding to Him as He is towards me. :) Amen!!
So yes, this was a lot of mumbo-jumbo but it was all from my heart. There are a lot of unanswered questions but for now I think I'm okay with not knowing. As long as I know God knows. ;) God bless everyone!!

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