Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well... I realized that I'm really not very good at this whole blogging thing, but I'm hoping to get better at it. We'll see. ;)
Well, I'm back at college and I'm a Senior. *pausing for a moment to take that in* I still cannot believe how far I've come and how far I still have yet to go. I think of Phil. 3 where Paul's talking about pressing on towards the goal to win the prize. I have never given it much thought but consistently throughout my life the one thing that's kept me moving forward has been the ever-present, ever-glorious, prize set before my eyes. Not that I am perfect but that I press on in spite of myself knowing that nothing this world holds, holds a candle to the glory that shall be revealed!! This revelation of Christ keeps me pressing on... to Him. So, he although I've been through the fire... I have not been burned, and though I've been been through the storm.... I have stood firm and someday I will see Jesus face-to-face and I'll forever be in His presence worshiping Him who is worth forever and ever!! Amen!!